ACT app (Actions Counter Terrorism) reaches 100,000 users

ACT app (Actions Counter Terrorism) reaches 100,000 users

As part of our continuing professional development plan, all Shield Security Services staff have all completed the interactive ACT Awareness e-learning course and received certification to improve their knowledge and help with the security issues faced on a daily basis.

The ACT Awareness eLearning provides a nationally recognised corporate counter terrorism guidance to help security personnel better understand, and mitigate against, current terrorist methodology.

The interactive e-Learning Modules completed include:

  • Introduction to Terrorism
  • Identifying Security Vulnerabilities
  • How to Identify and Respond to Suspicious Behaviour
  • How to Identify and Deal with a Suspicious Item
  • What to do in the Event of a Bomb Threat
  • How to Respond to a Firearms or Weapons attack

For more information on the ACT Awareness eLearning please visit: