Shield Security Services – News Update

At Shield, we would normally keep things fairly light-hearted over the festive season, but we can’t ignore that many of us have had a difficult year with illness, loss, uncertain employment, and isolation due to COVID-19. We wish to take this opportunity to thank the tireless work from doctors, nurses, carers, emergency services, pharmacists and not forgetting our very own security officers during the ongoing pandemic.
Although the world seemed to stop, Shield Security Services continued to operate 24/7 in the protection of your homes, offices and assets. Our team of fully trained and licensed officers provided a physical security presence at factories, offices and private residential premises.
As we enter 2021, we all hope it will be a prosperous and successful one, especially with a potential vaccine and businesses, lives returning to normal.
Lastly I’d like to thank all our customers for their business and trust in our services in 2020 and I wish you all a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.