What is manned guarding?
Manned guarding is having a physical presence on your property. Uniformed security guards provide a visual presence and can be on-site 24 hours a day. These officers are highly trained to make quick-informed decisions.
Many companies now rely on remote CCTV monitoring to protect their businesses; however, this is not a substitute for an on-site physical presence. Guards can quickly respond and jump to action in case of any incident. Manned guarding gives you an added layer of protection.
Typically, manned duties include cover for reception areas, monitoring visitors – checking them in and out of premises, answering phones and providing a reassuring presence. These tasks are carried out all the while ensuring that the building is safe and secure at all times.
As a registered Approved Supplier with the Government’s Security Industry Authority (SIA), our customers benefit from knowing that we are audited annually. We consistently score nationally in the top 10% of registered companies. We are proud to provide SIA licenced guards for a range of organisations, from commercial premises, academic institutions, local authorities, logistics and warehousing to construction sites.
All of our staff undergo rigorous background checks; allowing us to offer you, your customers and your staff complete peace of mind. We provide our officers with regular training and feedback to ensure that their knowledge and skills remain at the highest standards.